Originally I had my css .less file named Site.less.css so that intelligent type is active. Which worked fine.

I've recently needed to use the @import "Site.less"; ability. And unfortunately this doesn't work with .css on the end, because that would treat it as a CSS file, and not pass the .less parameters.

However, with the name Site.less, the publish (to IIS) feature is not including this file. I assume this is to do with an unrecognised file type? It is included in my solution explorer, and so should be copying it!

How do I get it to copy with publish? ( I can do it manually but shouldn't have to do this every time)

1 Answer 1


Are the ".less" file properties set to "content"?

enter image description here

  • It is now ! Thanks. Yea, changing the file extension seems to set it to None. scratches head. I'll remember this in future. Thanks a lot. Dont suppose you know how do force publishing of an empty folder? I stuck in a blank txt file, but again, surely there is a better way?
    – IAmGroot
    Feb 2, 2012 at 11:15
  • 1
    @Doomsknight unfortunately a textfile/image etc. is the only way to do it
    – Chris S
    Feb 2, 2012 at 12:03

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