Can someone tell me why the following does not match:

>>> re.search(r'(\d{2, 10})', '153')

and this one matches:

>>> re.search(r'\d{3}', '153')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x02110368>

1 Answer 1


The re module does not like the space after the 2,:

In [2]: re.search(r'(\d{2, 10})', '153')

In [4]: re.search(r'(\d{2,10})', '153')
Out[4]: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x15c4648>

Once you have the space in there, the expression inside the braces is no longer recognized as the repetition operator. Instead, it becomes a literal match looking for {2, 10}:

In [11]: re.search(r'(\d{2, 10})', '1{2, 10}').group(0)
Out[11]: '1{2, 10}'

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