I have a plugin that I am trying to grab the the number of the current slide which will then be written to a input box with the ID of "input1" each time the slide is changed. Does my syntax make sense?

function currentSlide(){
    var current = $('#slider').data('AnythingSlider').currentPage; 
  • You could replace document.getElementById("input1").innerHTML=current; by $("#input1").html(current); besides that it's hard to tell without the html source... Feb 10, 2012 at 16:30

3 Answers 3


If input1 is an input (as the name implies) use:

document.getElementById("input1").value = current;

Or to use jQuery only:

function currentSlide(){
    var current = $('#slider').data('AnythingSlider').currentPage; 

If you're trying to change what is shown in an <input> elemnt, set the .value, NOT the .innerHTML.

Think about it. Do you write <input>Blah blah blah</input>, or do you write <input value="Blah blah blah" />? JavaScript treats elements the same way HTML does.

function currentSlide(){
  var current = $('#slider').data('AnythingSlider').currentPage; 

If you're using jQuery, I recommend sticking with jQuery selectors throughout your code. I've updated line 3 to use jQuery to select input1. Instead of using innerHTML, use jQuery's val function which will set input1's value to the currentstring.

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