In python2, there is string-escape and unicode-escape. For utf-8 byte string, string-escape could escape \ and keep non-ascii bytes, like:


However, in python3, string-escape is removed. We have to encode string into bytes and decode it with unicode-escape:


It does work with ascii bytes. But non-ascii bytes will also be escaped:


All non-ascii bytes are escaped, which leads to encoding error.

So is there a solution for this ? Is it possible in python3 to keep all non-ascii bytes and decode all escape chars ?


1 Answer 1

import codecs
  • 1
    This does not work; the decoder will implicitly encode the string to UTF-8 before applying the decoding, and then the decoding translates the UTF-8 bytes into individual characters. I get ('ä½\xa0好\n', 8) from the above code. Aug 4, 2022 at 22:07
  • huh, you're right. that no longer works now. I'm not sure what changed. I also can't find a solution that works now. github.com/python/cpython/issues/65530 seems to explain the issue but not when it broke. stackoverflow.com/q/48908131/385891 is only valid for ASCII now (I think)
    – raylu
    Oct 23, 2022 at 1:57

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