I have an array created by using

array1 = np.array([[25,  160,   154, 233],
                   [61, 244,  198,  248],
                   [227, 226, 141, 72 ],
                   [190, 43,  42, 8]],np.int) ;

which displays as

[[25,  160, 154, 233]
 [61,  244, 198, 248]
 [227, 226, 141,  72]
 [190,  43,  42 ,  8]]

How do I display this array as hexadecimal numbers like this:

[[0x04,  0xe0,  0x48, 0x28]
 [0x66,  0xcb,  0xf8, 0x06]
 [0x81,  0x19,  0xd3, 0x26]
 [0xe5,  0x9a,  0x7a, 0x4c]]

Note: numbers in hex may not be real conversions of numbers in int. I have filled hex array just to give example of what I need.

  • 1
    What version of numpy are you using (np.version.version)? Feb 25, 2012 at 21:25

8 Answers 8


You can set the print options for numpy to do this.

import numpy as np


array([0x1L, 0x2L, 0x3L, 0x4L, 0x5L])

The L at the end is just because I am on a 64-bit platform and it is sending longs to the formatter. To fix this you can use

np.set_printoptions(formatter={'int':lambda x:hex(int(x))})
  • 1
    FYI for the OP. The formatter parameter for set_printoptions appears in the 2.0 docs, but not in 1.6. So I imagine it's a new feature. If you have an older version, you could roll your own formatting function and supply it to numpy with numpy.set_string_function. The function you supply would need to format the whole array rather than a single item like in Justin's answer. Feb 25, 2012 at 22:42
  • 3
    For those like myself who doesn't want print options to be changed in a global scope there is a numpy.printoptions helper method now, that you can use like: with np.printoptions(formatter={'int':hex}): Oct 30, 2020 at 21:20

Python has a built-in hex function for converting integers to their hex representation (a string). You can use numpy.vectorize to apply it over the elements of the multidimensional array.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> A = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
>>> vhex = np.vectorize(hex)
>>> vhex(A)
array([['0x1', '0x2'],
       ['0x3', '0x4']], 

There might be a built-in method of doing this with numpy which would be a better choice if speed is an issue.

  • -0, due to the existence of numpy.set_printoptions. Feb 25, 2012 at 21:24
  • 5
    The vectorize is handy when only an occasional hex string is needed. Otherwise would need to original=get_printoptions(), set_printoptions(hex), print hex, set_printoptions(original) Sep 20, 2012 at 14:14
  • Amazing solution, very pythonic. Jul 20, 2022 at 9:48

If what you're looking for it's just for display you can do something like this:

>>> a = [6, 234, 8, 9, 10, 1234, 555, 98]
>>> print '\n'.join([hex(i) for i in a])

Just throwing in my two cents you could do this pretty simply using list comprehension if it's always a 2d array like that

a = [[1,2],[3,4]]
print [map(hex, l) for l in a]

which gives you [['0x1', '0x2'], ['0x3', '0x4']]


This one-liner should do the job:

print '[' + '],\n['.join(','.join(hex(n) for n in ar) for ar in array1) + ']'
  • 1
    -0, due to the existence of numpy.set_printoptions. Feb 25, 2012 at 21:24
  • Yes, that's definitely a better solution. Question asker, please see Justin Peel's answer, and don't use mine. Feb 25, 2012 at 21:27
  • Numpy is absolutely a better solution! If you have access to numpy. Apr 21, 2016 at 15:21

It should be possible to get the behavior you want with numpy.set_printoptions, using the formatter keyword arg. It takes a dictionary with a type specification (i.e. 'int') as key and a callable object returning the string to print. I'd insert code but my old version of numpy doesn't have the functionality yet. (ugh.)


I'm using vectorized np.base_repr since I needed my result rjusted with padded 0's

import numpy as np

width = 4
base = 16
array1 = np.array([[25,  160,   154, 233],
                   [61, 244,  198,  248],
                   [227, 226, 141, 72 ],
                   [190, 43,  42, 8]],np.int)

base_v = np.vectorize(np.base_repr)
padded = np.char.rjust(base_v(array1, base), width, '0')
result = np.char.add('0x', padded)


[['0x0019' '0x00A0' '0x009A' '0x00E9']
 ['0x003D' '0x00F4' '0x00C6' '0x00F8']
 ['0x00E3' '0x00E2' '0x008D' '0x0048']
 ['0x00BE' '0x002B' '0x002A' '0x0008']]
array1_hex = np.array([[hex(int(x)) for x in y] for y in array1])
print array1_hex
# => array([['0x19', '0xa0', '0x9a', '0xe9'],
#           ['0x3d', '0xf4', '0xc6', '0xf8'],
#           ['0xe3', '0xe2', '0x8d', '0x48'],
#           ['0xbe', '0x2b', '0x2a', '0x8']], 
#          dtype='|S4')
  • This answer fails with error: TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
    – tarabyte
    May 15, 2014 at 23:09

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