
I am currently trying to create a program that takes two inputs a base and an exponent, so basically im going to ask for those two things for example if the user of Prolog inputs base 2 and exponent 3, I want it to return 8.., Here is what I got so far, and doesnt work:

base:- write('Input the base: '),read(X),expo(X).
exponent:- write('Input the exponent '),read(Y),expo(Y).

expo(X,Y):- A is Y*Y,B is A*X,write(B).


  • 4
    Doesn't work is nearly useless as debugging advice goes; what doesn't work? What output do you get? What output do you expect? Why does your expo(A,B):- appear to define a rule that takes two parameters, but your base:- and exponent:- appear to call it with just one parameter?
    – sarnold
    Mar 2, 2012 at 1:36

2 Answers 2

  • You've defined expo/2 (i.e. a predicate expo with two arguments), but you're calling expo/1.
  • The way you've split up your read/1 calls into different predicates means X and Y are in different scopes; you'll never be able to call expo(X,Y) unless you put read(X) and read(Y) within the same rule.
  • Your exponentiation definition is wrong. X^Y is not Y*Y*X. If you're required to implement this yourself, you'll need a recursive predicate to do it. If not, use the built-in exponentiation operator, X**Y.

See this question to see how to implement pow correctly. For the input part, you might want to consider not to bother implementing it until your pow/ 3 predicate works. To test this predicate, you can just use ?- pow(2, 3, R). in the meantime.

And Prolog should answer with R = 8..

And as said in a previous answer, the input part is wrong. But this previous answer already gave sufficient leads about how to better the situation so I'll leave it at that.

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