I've been struggling to find a nice algorithm to change a number (could be a float or integer) into a nicely formated human readable number showing the units as a string. For example:

100500000 -> '100.5 Mil'
200400 -> '200.4 K'
143000000 -> '143 Mil'
52000000000 -> '52 Bil'

etc, you get the idea.

Any pointers?

  • Be sure to take i18n into account and use the correct decimal point separator for the current locale - e.g., comma in Germany. :-)
    – JeeBee
    Jun 4, 2009 at 23:08

5 Answers 5


I'd adapt the code below (which i found on the net):

Code credit goes to this link i found: http://www.phpfront.com/php/human-readable-byte-format/

function humanReadableOctets($octets)
    $units = array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); // ...etc

    for ($i = 0, $size =$octets; $size>1024; $size=$size/1024)

    return number_format($size, 2) . ' ' . $units[min($i, count($units) -1 )];

Don't forget to change 1024 to 1000 though ...

  • 6
    You could actually just do something alone the lines of $unit = $units[log($n)]
    – n3rd
    Jun 4, 2009 at 23:12

function prettyNumber($number) // $number is int / float
  $orders = Array("", " K", " Mil", " Bil");
  while (($number/1000.0) >= 1.5) {  // while the next step up would generate a number greater than 1.5
  if ($order) 
    return preg_replace("/\.?0+$/", "", 
      substr(number_format($number, 2),0,5)).$orders[$order];
  return $number;

$tests = array(100500000,200400,143000000,52000000000);
foreach ($tests as $test)
  echo $test." -> '".prettyNumber($test)."'\n";
  • I like it. I especially like the tests included.
    – Christian
    Jun 4, 2009 at 23:20

Here is a log() version if you are still interested:

function wordify($val, $decimalPlaces = 1) {
    if ($val < 1000 && $val > -1000)
        return $val;
    $a = array( 0 => "", 1 => "K", 2 => "Mil", 3 => "Bil", 4 => "Tril", 5 => "Quad" );
    $log1000 = log(abs($val), 1000);
    $suffix = $a[$log1000];
    return number_format($val / pow(1000, floor($log1000)), $decimalPlaces, '.', '') . " $suffix";

$tests = array(-1001, -970, 0, 1, 929, 1637, 17000, 123456, 1000000, 1000000000, 1234567890123);

foreach ($tests as $num) {
    echo wordify($num)."<br>";

found this

this one might be better for you

might be a good start


there is similar code here:


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