I have a problem with a query:

I have a table with "sections" and another table with a Many to Many of SectionCountryException where only I have the values ​​of the countries do not want to appear.

Let me explain: I have many sections and I want some sections are not available in some countries.

Now I have this dql in a Section Table:

$dql = $this->createQuery('se')
->leftJoin('se.SectionCountryExceptions sce')

but I know that's not right, but not how to do it ....



1 Answer 1


I answered myself ...

    $dql = $this->createQuery('se')
                ->andWhereNotIn('se.id', $this->getExceptionsArray());

and the function:

    private function getExceptionsArray()
            $countryCode = sfConfig::get('app_default_country_code');
            $sectionCountryExceptions = Doctrine::getTable('SectionCountryException')->findByValue($countryCode);

            $exceptions = array();
            foreach ($sectionCountryExceptions as $exception)
                $exceptions[] = $exception->getSection()->getId();

            return $exceptions;

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