I am really a newbie to dojo but as i started developing a new application with dojo version 1.7.2 i also wanted to use the new AMD syntax for functions. Unfortunately i don't seem to get it. :-(

What annoys me most is that i can't simply call any function which is inside of a "require"-block. For example i have a page which on opening creates a dynamic table with several widgets in each row. Then i have a button which adds one empty row each time pressed.

Without AMD syntax it would be easy:
- put all my "dojo.require()" in the HEAD
- and then create a bunch of my own functions for creating the table and widgets
- the add row function could easily access any global-variables my previous function filled

But with AMD its like this:

Initial function creates the table and widgets:

function fillReportTable(repId) {
require(["dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-attr", "dijit/form/FilteringSelect",
"dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore", "dijit/form/ComboBox", "dijit/form/DateTextBox", "dijit/form/Select", "dojo/store/Memory"],
     function (domConstruct, domAttr, FilteringSelect, ItemFileReadStore, ComboBox, DateTextBox, Select, Memory) {
   // a lot of code to create the table, consisting of SEVERAL functions 
   function createNewRow(tbl) { ...} 
   function function1 () {... } 
   function function2 () {... } 
   function function3 () {... } 

Now the "Add Empty Row" button calls its own function "addEmptyRow".
But in this function I have to:
- do an other require for each dojo-module again
- I CAN'T use any of the functions which are "inside" of the "fillReportTable"-function. For example the "createNewRow"-function

 function addEmptyRow() {
require(["dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-attr", "dijit/form/FilteringSelect",
"dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore", "dijit/form/ComboBox", "dijit/form/DateTextBox", "dijit/form/Select", "dojo/store/Memory"],
     function (domConstruct, domAttr, FilteringSelect, ItemFileReadStore, ComboBox, DateTextBox, Select, Memory) {
// a lot of code to create the table, consisting of SEVERAL functions

This all seems to be so much complicated with AMD.
Or am i missing something obvious here ?
With AMD if you separate your code into a lot of small functions, do you do the "require" inside EACH function all over again ? Or do you put all the functions inside one "require" with the full list ?
If you do it the second way, how can you call these functions from widget events?

3 Answers 3


The easiest way would be to define your own module. Take a look at this tutorial first:


Now define your own module, e.g. "./js/mymodules/mymodule.js" (relative to HTML page):

], function (domConstruct, domAttr, FilteringSelect, ItemFileReadStore, ComboBox, DateTextBox, Select, Memory) {

    function fillReportTable(repId) {
       // a lot of code to create the table, consisting of SEVERAL functions 
       function createNewRow(tbl) { ...} 
       function function1 () {... } 
       function function2 () {... } 
       function function3 () {... } 

    function addEmptyRow() {
       // a lot of code to create the table, consisting of SEVERAL functions

    // Return an object that exposes two functions
    return {
        fillReportTable: fillReportTable,
        addEmptyRow: addEmptyRow


And use your module like this:



var dojoConfig = {
    baseUrl: "./js/",
    packages: [
        { name: "dojo", location: "lib/dojo" },
        { name: "dijit", location: "lib/dijit" },
        { name: "dojox", location: "lib/dojox" }

<script data-dojo-config="async: true" src="js/lib/dojo/dojo.js"></script>



], function (mymodule) {
  • so, fillReportTable: fillReportTable in the return object will expose fillReportTable() function? Mar 9, 2012 at 15:32
  • Yes that's right. When the mymodule module is required, the AMD loader will load a particular JS file for that module (in our case 'mymodules/mymodule.js'. Within that JS file you pass a function to define, and this function is used to 'export' the module's functionality. In your case, the module represents an object that has two helper functions.
    – Paul Grime
    Mar 9, 2012 at 16:28
  • So now I can call mymodule.fillReportTable() from anywhere outside of the require?
    – Andy N
    Apr 5, 2012 at 20:02
  • In the above require set the objects dojo.setObject('fillReportTable', mymodule.fillReportTable). Then outside of the require do a getObject. var fillReportTable = dojo.getObject('fillReportTable'); Now fillReportTable() is in global space.
    – Andy N
    Apr 5, 2012 at 20:48

Try this:

require([...], function() {
    var myFunctions = dojo.getObject('myFunctions', true);
    myFunctions.createNewRow = function(...) {

You can now call your functions from anywhere by using


If you don't want 'myFunctions', you could do

require([...], function() {
    var createNewRow = function(...) {};

    dojo.setObject('createNewRow', createNewRow);

Paul Grime gave you a good example, so I'm just sharing some thoughts.

You don't define all the modules in each function, that's a huge waste of space. Although, even if you try to load a module multiple times, Dojo will only load it once anyway.

This is a simplified module from my latest project, with quite meaningless functionality:

//app module in 'my' folder


    //and so on.....

function(elements, q, on, fx, baseFx, constr, event)
    return {

        init : function()
            var node = q(elements.loading);


        removeNode : function(node)

        addEvents : function()
            $(elements.buttons).on('click', function(e)
                alert(q(e).attr('id') + ' was clicked!');

Then I get the module by using


function (app) 

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