I want to import the number extensions from the compiled C# assembly to the IronPython code. Various extension methods seem to be imported ok, but not the ones for the number types.

I have defined int, double and float extensions, but code like 50.Seconds() gives an unexpected token (Seconds) error. Is there any workaround to add a number type extension?


2 Answers 2


may work.It is a part of the language when you put braces.I can't check that for IronPython right now :)


Calling methods on literals isn't part of the Python language:

>>> x = 1
>>> 1.conjugate()
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> x.conjugate()

The extension methods should work on variables, just not literals.

  • Thanks, I have guessed so, but thought that there is a workaround for literals too. Mar 15, 2012 at 6:41

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