I've got a problem with gdb debugger. My console app shows me incorrect action results (some trash instead of normal string which I've got from XML ater the parsing) if I run it under a debugger plus I get SIGINT ( I don't output eol character and don't hit ctrl+c). Running my app with no attached debugger (just double click on .exe or Run menu from IDE) shows me correct results. What is the problem?

Some Info:
Windows 7 Pro Sp1 x86
gdb 7.3.1 (MinGW) and gcc 4.6.2 (MinGW)
Eclipse 3.7.1

Here is a gdb trace.
At this screenshot you can see the settings

1 Answer 1


Probably you have some memory corruption in your application and and they become visible when you use the debugger. In order to solve the problem we need to take a look on your source code.

  • I found and fix the memory corruption and it is no some garbage in debug results - all is ok, but I still got a message Quit (expect signal SIGINT when the program is resumed). Mar 17, 2012 at 8:14

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