The border-radius on my input boxes isn't displaying correctly on mobile browsers (tested on iPhone 4S and iPad 2), although it is on desktop browsers. I have only added a border radius to the top-left and bottom-left corner, but on the mobile browsers it seems to also be adding a radius to the right corners as well for some reason.

The site is http://fanbeat.com.

Any help is appreciated!

  • isn't... but not...? please clarify what you mean in that first sentence
    – dldnh
    Mar 31, 2012 at 19:12
  • Ah, my bad. The sentenced was supposed to read "The border-radius on my input boxes isn't displaying correctly on mobile browsers (tested on iPhone 4S and iPad 2), although it is on desktop browsers." I've fixed it above.
    – Max
    Mar 31, 2012 at 19:53

1 Answer 1


you should initial again by yourself firstly, like this


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