A multi-platform app I'm working on uses a different subclass of a single C++ class depending on the platform its running on. Can I make the OS X subclass an Objective-C++ (.mm) file without changing the superclass?

Edit: more details

The project, as it stands now contains this file hierarchy:

* VideoDriver.cpp   - (superclass)
  - VideoDriver_OSX.cpp - (subclass, contains Mac implementation)
  - VideoDriver_win.cpp - (subclass, contains Windows implementation)
  - VideoDriver_X11.cpp - (subclass, contains Linux implementation)

In short, I want to be able to use Core Animation and other Cocoa libraries in the VideoDriver_OSX implementation. Changing it to an Objective-C++ file (VideoDriver_OSX.mm) allows me to use these Cocoa libraries, but now the line of code (in a different file) that tries to instantiate the VideoDriver_OSX object causes this dynamic linker error at runtime:

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN15VideoDriver_OSXC1EP10gui_info_sP6CPFifoI17DecodedVideoFrameE

This seems to be related to C++ name mangling, but I don't know how to resolve it. I really appreciate the help, folks.

  • Funny, I asked a similar question earlier, with an example of how to do it: stackoverflow.com/questions/10014684/… Apr 4, 2012 at 19:18
  • 1
    "Can I make the OS X subclass an Objective-C++ (.mm) file" <- this makes no sense.
    – user529758
    Apr 4, 2012 at 19:28
  • Please post the line of code causing the error.
    – N_A
    Apr 4, 2012 at 22:08
  • m_driver = new VideoDriver_OSX(m_gui_info, m_fifo_in);
    – Drew C
    Apr 4, 2012 at 22:15
  • What type of file is the call in? .mm or .cpp?
    – N_A
    Apr 4, 2012 at 22:18

3 Answers 3


Renaming a .cpp file to .mm will work in a large number of cases, because the Objective-C object system, syntax and runtime are more or less distinct from the C++ object system, syntax and runtime. When you rename a .cpp to a .mm, it doesn't magically turn C++ objects into Objective-C objects, they remain as C++ objects. What a .mm file does is allow you to use both Objective-C and C++ objects in the same file, it is only possible because almost none of the object system, syntax or runtime between Objective-C and C++ clash with each other.

Conversion to Objective-C++ can cause issues if you use variables called new etc. in your Objective-C code, because this is a keyword in C++. Likewise, any keywords in Objective-C can't be used in C++ code when compiling as Objective-C++.

  • Technically speaking, there are no objective-c classes in objective-c++, they are all objective-c++ classes. More clearly, this means that when you compile objective-c++ the "objective" classes compile to C++ classes, not C structs etc.
    – N_A
    Apr 4, 2012 at 21:04
  • 1
    @mydogisbox: Are you joking? Where on earth did you hear that? You have been grossly misled, otherwise please prove it to me by pointing it out in the Objective-C runtime or clang compiler source.
    – dreamlax
    Apr 4, 2012 at 21:10
  • @mydogisbox: Objective-C classes do not compile to anything other than Objective-C classes when compiled as Objective-C++, otherwise they wouldn't interop with the existing non-Objective-C++ classes.
    – dreamlax
    Apr 4, 2012 at 21:12
  • Changing it to a .mm file now lets me use Objective-C in the class, but I'm getting a dynamic linker error when I try to instantiate the object described by the .mm file. Is this fixable?
    – Drew C
    Apr 4, 2012 at 21:42
  • 1
    @mydogisbox: No, it's still and Objective-C object, even if it uses C++ code in its methods. The Objective-C language definition is "compatible" with the C++ language defintion insofar that a union of both Objective-C and C++ language definitions contains no conflicts. If C++ and C interopped without issue there would be no need for extern "C" {} in C++. There's no need for it in Objective-C++ because Objective-C objects remain as Objective-C objects when compiled under Objective-C++. All "Objective-C++" means is that you can compile Objective-C and C++ in the same source file.
    – dreamlax
    Apr 5, 2012 at 4:50

"Can I make the OS X subclass an Objective-C++ (.mm) file without changing the superclass?"

Yes. Assuming that by "subclass an Objective-C++ ... file" you mean that you have a C++ class in your objective-c++ code subclass the C++ class in your .cpp file. If you want to use an objective-c++ class as a subclass of your C++ class, then you're out of luck.


There's no such thing as an Objective-C++ object. In an Objective-C++ file you can either make/use an Objective-C object or a C++ object. Your best bet for bridging is composition- if you're porting a C++ framework to use in Objective-C, create objects:

  • that have an instance of the C++ object
  • that implement methods that redirect to the C++ object.

Depending on how simple the API is, this may or may not be an easy task!

  • "There's no such thing as an Objective-C++ object." is not correct. In objective-c++ there are no objective-c classes, there are only C++ and objective-c++ classes.
    – N_A
    Apr 4, 2012 at 21:00
  • 1
    I'd disagree. You can use a class that was defined in and Objective-C++ file in plain Objective-C code, and Objective-C has no knowledge of Objective-C++. So that class is an Objective-C class. The fact that in the implementation of this class you can use C++ objects does not affect the interface.
    – joerick
    Apr 5, 2012 at 10:54
  • 1
    Of course you can. Just like you can use C++ structs in a C implementation file (since that's that base of an objective-c class). That doesn't change that a "objective" class defined in C++ code is an extension of C++ not C.
    – N_A
    Apr 5, 2012 at 13:32

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