In my program I want to add a method for double letters in a string. My question is there a public method to that? For example:


Here's what I have:

puts "Please enter text: "
input = gets
letters = input.chomp.to_s
puts "You entered: " + letters + "."

list_letters = letters.split(//)
list = list_letters.join(". ")* 2.to_i  

puts "Your text is made up of the letters: " + list + "."

4 Answers 4

letters.gsub(/(.)/, '\1\1')

or even shorter:

letters.gsub(/./, '\&\&')

A bit more comfortable:

class String
  def char_duplicate
    self.gsub(/./, '\&\&')

puts "abc".char_duplicate #aabbcc
puts "abca".char_duplicate #aabbccaa

Your example code makes something different. Perhaps you wanted to do something like:

 letters.split(//).map{|x| x * 2 }.join


 letters.each_char.map{|x| x * 2 }.join
  • 2
    gsub(/./, '\&\&') eliminates the need for a match group. Apr 15, 2012 at 21:35
  • @AndrewMarshall Thanks, I adopted my answer
    – knut
    Apr 15, 2012 at 21:45

Just to be different:


You can do it all in a single line, even if somewhat contrived. I've gone for inject because I thought not duplicating spaces would be nice.

>> "foo bar".chomp.split("").inject([]) { |a,l| l =~ /\S/ ? a << l*2 : a << l }.join("")
=> "ffoooo bbaarr"

EDIT: On second thought, you can also just

>> "foo bar".gsub(/\S/, '\&\&')
=> "ffoooo bbaarr"

Goes to show how little Ruby I've done lately =)


I would do this as @knut did. For fun variety, however, here are some more:

irb(main):002:0> s.chars.map{ |c| c*2 }.join
#=> "TThhee"

irb(main):004:0> s.chars.zip(s.chars).join
#=> "TThhee"

irb(main):005:0> s.chars.inject(""){ |d,c| d << c << c }
#=> "TThhee"

irb(main):010:0> "".tap{ |d| s.each_char{ |c| d << c*2 } }
#=> "TThhee"

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