Okay guys, this probably has an easy answer but has been stumping me for a few hours now.

I am using PHP/HTML to generate a table from a MySQL Table. In the MySQL table (TimeRecords) I have a StartTime and EndTime column. In my SELECT statement I am subtracting the EndTime from the StartTime and aliasing that as TotalHours. Here is my query thus far:

$query = "SELECT *,((EndTime - StartTime)/3600) AS TotalPeriodHours
    FROM TimeRecords
    WHERE Date
    BETWEEN '{$CurrentYear}-{$CurrentMonth}-1'
    AND '{$CurrentYear}-{$CurrentMonth}-31'
    ORDER BY Date

I then loop that through an HTML table. So far so good. What I would like to do is to add up all of the TotalHours and put that into a separate DIV. Any ideas on 1) how to write the select statement and 2) where to call that code from the PHP/HTML?

Thanks in advance!

  • Take a look at SUM in sql. Use ajax to call the PHP script from html.
    – user1150525
    Apr 17, 2012 at 4:12
  • @BenniKa Why on earth would you use ajax? There's absolutely nothing in the question to suggest he's using ajax and it's not necessary anyway. Apr 17, 2012 at 6:11
  • @liquorvicar i meant: if he want to call it from the html site, because of 2).
    – user1150525
    Apr 17, 2012 at 12:39

3 Answers 3


Try this

$query= "
    SELECT ((EndTime - StartTime)/3600) AS Hours, otherFields, ...
    FROM TimeRecords
        Date BETWEEN '{$CurrentYear} - {$CurrentMonth} - 1'
        AND '{$CurrentYear}-{$CurrentMonth} - 31' ";

$records =mysql_query($query);
$sum= 0;

 echo" Total Hours : $sum ";
  • This would be the manual tally method I mentioned. If iterating all rows in PHP is undesirable, then running a separate Sum() query is an option.
    – zanlok
    Apr 17, 2012 at 4:24
  • Thanks so much! I was so focused on getting MySQL to do the work I totally forgot about PHP Apr 17, 2012 at 4:30

Just use a single query with a Sum(). You could also manually calculate it if you're already displaying all rows. (If paginating or using LIMIT, you'll need a separate query like below.)

$query = "
    SELECT Sum(((EndTime - StartTime)/3600)) AS SumTotalPeriodHours
    FROM TimeRecords
        Date BETWEEN '{$CurrentYear} - {$CurrentMonth} - 1'
        AND '{$CurrentYear}-{$CurrentMonth} - 31'

You can do this in the same query if you have a unique id using GROUP BY WITH ROLLUP

$query = "
    SELECT unique_id,SUM((EndTime - StartTime)/3600) AS TotalPeriodHours
    FROM TimeRecords
    WHERE Date BETWEEN '{$CurrentYear}-{$CurrentMonth}-1'
      AND '{$CurrentYear}-{$CurrentMonth}-31'
    GROUP BY unique_id WITH ROLLUP
    ORDER BY Date

In this instance the last result from your query with contain NULL and the overall total. If you don't have a unique ID you will need to do it in PHP as per Naveen's answer.

A few comments on your code:

  • Using SELECT * is not considered good practice. SELECT the columns you need.
  • Not all months have a day 31 so this may produce unexpected results. If you're using PHP5.3+, you can use

    $date = new DateTime(); $endDate = $date->format( 'Y-m-t' );

The "t" flag here gets the last day of that month. See PHP docs for more on DateTime.

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