According to the beaker documentation:

Beaker does not automatically delete expired or old cookies on any of its back-ends. This task is left up to the developer based on how sessions are being used, and on what back-end.

Using mcinspect I've found that my memcached instance does seem to be persisting session records for much longer than the session is valid/in use.

What would be the best approach to remove deleted/expired/old/invalid beaker sessions from memcached?

1 Answer 1


What are you asking, or why are you asking this? Do you mean invalid/old as in your logic, or are they actually expired?

If they are really expired in memcached then they'll be 'gone' for all practical purposes -> they will not be returned and the space is free for new sessions. No need to do anything

If they are old/invalid in some other domain, and you cannot check that, you might need to flush your memcached, but that'll remove all your entries.


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