I am trying to return a JSON representation of an ActiveRecord but instead of having the JSON string contain the model's column names for the Keys I would like to have it display something different per column. Is there a way to do this? here is my example line

record.as_json(root: false, :only => [:message, :user])

I basically want it to return the message and the user columns, but I want to call them something else when it gets them.

2 Answers 2


I think you're overcomplicating this. You only want two columns so why not just do it by hand?

def some_controller
  json = {
    new_name_for_message: r.message,
    new_name_for_user:    r.user
  render json: json, status: :ok

Build a two element Hash and hand it off to the JSON rendering system.

record.as_json(root: false, :only => [:user], :methods => [:message_html])

and define that method on record.

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