According to the documentation the links endpoint takes picture, name, and description as parameters. From https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ under the Publishing section

Method                  Description                         Arguments

/PROFILE_ID/links   Publish a link on the given profile     link, message, picture, name, caption, description

However when I try these parameters are ignored. Python example below.

res = requests.post("https://graph.facebook.com/me/links", 
                    data = {'access_token':t.auth_payload,
                            'caption':'this is a caption', 
                            'description':'this is a description', 
                            'name':'this is a name'})

Which results in:

This is the result

2 Answers 2


The documentation about creating a link for a user only states the following:

You can post a link on the user's behalf by issuing an HTTP POST request to PROFILE_ID/feed with the publish_stream permissions and the following parameters.

Parameter: link and message

The other fields are taken from the metadata of the page URL given in the 'link' param.


  • Look under Publishing here developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api Method Description Arguments /PROFILE_ID/links Publish a link on the given profile link, message, picture, name, caption, description May 2, 2012 at 20:01
  • Also I must use the /links endpoint because I need the share functionality and want the via as part of the data up top instead of down below. May 2, 2012 at 20:07

Following up on this issue. The links endpoint becomes more and more useless while the /feed endpoint finally has the features I've needed. /feed used to lose the share action when posting a link. That has since been fixed.

If you have issues with the links endpoint. Switch to /feed and see if it suites your needs.

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