I am trying to post to recapture from c# code.

        var data = new NameValueCollection
            { "privatekey", "my key" },
            { "remoteip ", "" },
            { "challenge ", model.recaptcha_challenge_field },
            { "response ", model.recaptcha_response_field }

        using (var client = new WebClient())

            var response = client.UploadValues("http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/verify", data: data);

            var result = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(response);


When I do this result is returning

false invalid-request-cookie

Do I need to set the remote IP? What else could be going wrong?


https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/verify says the error means:


The value of the html on page is as follows:

<INPUT id=recaptcha_challenge_field value=03AHJ_VusdI2SY_P2iM3VICgLmOw-7CE7F6zmOwvwfya4L8Jeiok_rCwVmHFJwJHxlelhp8By_QTA7SNF58fwijij5rxBLqgpoI3nuWy6S0HGL7U7lk_35aazPfaMyVwbeWuWJyxJ0DqjwDwrByD4AY70O0qlaTnCUxQ type=hidden name=recaptcha_challenge_field />

In the object I post back it is as follows:


and when i get it on the server the value is


So if we put all 3 value side by side we have:


The recapture on the page is being generated by calling the following:

Recaptcha.create("pub key",
        theme: "clean",
        callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field
  • 2
    I bet the request cookie is invalid! May 3, 2012 at 2:09

2 Answers 2


You have left spaces in remoteip,challenge and response parameters. It should be

var data = new NameValueCollection
            { "privatekey", "my key" },
            { "remoteip", "" },
            { "challenge", model.recaptcha_challenge_field },
            { "response", model.recaptcha_response_field }

Also IP address is required but the current error you are getting is because of the leading spaces in your parameters.


The reCAPTCHA specification clearly states that the "remoteip" parameter is indeed required:


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