Consider this sample html

<div class="A">
    <div class="B">
        <span class="C">Sample text</span>
        <div class="D">
            <div class="E">Clickable Text</div>

And some jQuery


What is the easiest way to get a parent of $(this) that matches a selector? For example, say in the example I need to get the div where class="A". At the moment because I know the structure of the html I could do


But I'm looking for a way that would work regardless of the structure. Something along the lines of


I hope I've been understandable.

  • possible duplicate of How To Select First Ancestor That Matches A Selector?. May 3, 2012 at 12:15
  • @FelixKling, I was just about to +1 your answer, although not what I needed, I couldn't see a reason for the -1. May 3, 2012 at 12:22
  • I guess because .closest is really the best approach here... but I missed the part in your question that the class .A is actually fixed, so nvm ;) May 3, 2012 at 12:26

5 Answers 5

    /* console.log($(this).parents('.A')); works fine too */


Note that parent() is different than parents() method (the first one look for one ancestor only)

  • 1
    Thank you. I try googling but didn't know what phrase to be searching for. +1 May 3, 2012 at 12:22

First Solution:


Source: http://api.jquery.com/closest/ This will return the first parent when traversing that matchs the selector.

Second solution:


Source: http://api.jquery.com/parents/ This will return all the parents that matches the selectors


What about


This is the way i would do it


The jQuery parent selector might help you there. You can combine it with the class you are looking for. See the docs @ http://api.jquery.com/parent-selector/

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