Does such feature exist? Something like Java HotSpot running in server mode, but for .Net applications.

EDIT: Little more information. I have small application (written in F#) and I have lots of small functions in it. Like this one:

let printable b =
    if b >= ' 'B && b <= '~'B
    then b else '.'B

I had realized that performance in poor, and after profiling I saw that every such function were called millions times. I made them inline and got performance boost (5+ times, may be more).

Ok, nice. Performance is good now. But why didn't the framework do it? It has enough information about my code and how often a function was called. Why didn't it inline an function that was called 1M times?

EDIT2: Sample test to measure difference of an inlined function:

    open System

    let printableByte b =
        if b >= ' 'B && b <= '~'B
        then b else '.'B

    let foo (arr : byte[]) = 
        for i in 0..arr.Length-1 do
            arr.[i] <- printableByte (arr.[i])
        arr.Length / 1000

    let main() =
        let sum = ref 0
        let arr = Array.create 1000000 0uy

        let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
        for x in 0..5000 do
            sum := !sum + (foo arr)

        printfn "%d" !sum 
        printfn "total time = %A" stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds


It runs 19.5 sec when printableByte is not inlined and 13.6 sec when inlined.

EDIT3: This time difference can be viewed only if compiled for x86 target and run on x64 host. There is no time difference if compiled for "anycpu" or x64.

So, there is no any issue with "small functions" and optimization.

  • 2
    Yes, that's what the CLR's JIT does.
    – vcsjones
    May 4, 2012 at 18:24
  • possible duplicate of Performance differences between debug and release builds May 4, 2012 at 18:26
  • 1
    @HansPassantI I added more information, the question is not related to debug/release modes.
    – qehgt
    May 4, 2012 at 18:41
  • The title of the question misrepresents the actual question. A valid answer to the title would be "yes, .net does some optimization at run-time". This wouldn't actually answer your question. Maybe you should rephrase to "Does the Microsoft's .net CLR inline small functions at run-time?"
    – Joh
    May 4, 2012 at 18:59
  • 1
    @Mystere : The server HotSpot does do adaptive runtime optimization based on "hot" code paths (hence then name), i.e. code paths or branches that are executed more frequently can be re-JIT-compiled with different or more aggressive optimizations.
    – ildjarn
    May 4, 2012 at 21:03

3 Answers 3


Yes, the CLR does some run-time optimization, as this blog shows. Note that according to this post, virtual method are not inlined.

neither of these methods was inlined:

  • Recursive method
  • Virtual method (even if the static type of the receiver variable is sealed)

How is your printable function called in your code? If the F# compiler wraps it in a closure, which it often does, even in cases where you might not expect it at first, then you'll fall into the "virtual method" case.

  • Current version is here: github.com/qehgt/fsharp-netproxy/blob/… Previous one was without inline keyword.
    – qehgt
    May 4, 2012 at 19:24
  • printableByte in your code is a nested function. Those are sometimes implemented as closures. Release builds with optimization enabled should lift those nested functions that don't capture anything out of the containing function, though. I'm a bit surprised it's not doing that in your case.
    – Joh
    May 4, 2012 at 19:39
  • @Jon, I'll double check it later.
    – qehgt
    May 4, 2012 at 20:21
  • @Jon, I updated the topic. It looks like F# compiler does not want to inline functions without inline keyword.
    – qehgt
    May 4, 2012 at 21:01

Please keep in mind that testing this code in FSI is not the same as compiling a project in Release mode.

My highly non-scientific tests show that the performance test you gave runs better in Debug if inline is added to the printableByte.

However, when inline is added in Release mode, the program actually performs worse than without it. I'm sure the F# compiler team or some disassembly could tell you why that is...

In my experience using F#, you should very rarely have to apply an inline optimization manually. Just make sure you compile in Release!

EDIT: Aha, yes! Be sure to compile in "Any CPU" mode unless you have a specific reason not to (usually my reason would be having to interoperate with x86 COM libraries from F#)

  • No, everything was done in Release on windows (or with -O on Linux).I did not use Fsi.
    – qehgt
    May 4, 2012 at 21:26
  • Without inline in Release here: average 32s. With inline: average 35s. (Clearly my machine is older than yours, but I don't know what could explain the inversion.)
    – Dan Fitch
    May 4, 2012 at 21:32

Yes, the .net framework optimizes the code for the platform it's running on. It takes many factors into account. There are some things it won't do, though.. For example, I don't believe it uses SIMD instructions if they're available. But it does do a good job of optimization in general.

  • @ildjarn - I think it still makes sense. The compiler does some run-time optimizations, the edit does not change that fact. Joh's answer has more information, so there is no reason for me to enhance mine. May 4, 2012 at 19:23
  • Not really -- the OP is not asking about platform-specific optimizations, he's asking about adaptive runtime optimization.
    – ildjarn
    May 4, 2012 at 19:24
  • @ildjarn - The question has just be refined, it's still asking about runtime optimizations, and my answer is still valid for that. Just because he added additional questions to it doesn't mean it's invalid. May 4, 2012 at 19:53
  • I didn't downvote your answer, no need to get defensive. I only said something in the first place in case you weren't aware of the OP's edit and wanted to update your answer.
    – ildjarn
    May 4, 2012 at 19:54

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