I have 3 input boxes with the following data

<input name="day" type="text" id="day" class="required" maxlength="2" minlength="2" style="width:60px;"> - <input name="mth" type="text" id="mth" class="required" maxlength="2" minlength="2" style="width:60px;"> - <input name="yr" type="text" id="yr" class="required" maxlength="4" minlength="4" style="width:100px;">

which when pulling using my php I want to convert to a string so I can do some stuff with it.

This is what I have so far

$dob = $data['yr'] + "-" + $data['mth'] + "-" + $data['day'];

But that's returning 2016! Could anyone please tell me what I need to do to make it display as 0000-00-00 as a string?

4 Answers 4


Javascript uses + for concatenation PHP uses .

$dob = $data['yr'] . "-" . $data['mth'] . "-" . $data['day'];

  • Ah. Thanks so much. I'm moving from ASP.net. :)
    – dpDesignz
    May 7, 2012 at 5:32
$dob = $data['yr'] ."-" .$data['mth'] ."-" .$data['day'];

if you want to concatenate in php use . operation you are using + oprerand which is used in javascript to concatenate

  • Ah. Thanks so much. I'm moving from ASP.net. :)
    – dpDesignz
    May 7, 2012 at 5:32

yes, if you want to get the string as a result, use cancatenate operator . as (dot) is used in php for cancatenation.like $dob = $data['yr'] ."-" .$data['mth'] ."-" .$data['day'];

  • Ah. Thanks so much. I'm moving from ASP.net. :)
    – dpDesignz
    May 7, 2012 at 5:31

This problem is that when you use + in php it converts your string data to numeric data which can be rather confusing for thouse who use other programming languages (for example in python) , to concatanate strings use . instead of +.

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