Is it just me or is it that the dojox mobile button click is much slower in dojo 1.7.x? I don't seem to notice other widgets slowing down. After upgrading my phonegap/dojo to the latest dojo 1.7.2 (using amd loader and a custom build) with phonegap 1.7.0. Only the mobile button widget seems to be really slow!?!?

Now the screen has many buttons (~12 buttons and 4 textbox widgets) and for some reason there seem to be a delay between the moment I press the button till the operation of writing into the textbox actually happens, the "animation" on the click is also delayed. I did try setting data-dojo-props="duration:150" on these buttons, but I still feel there is a huge lag in response for the same html screen that worked much faster with dojo 1.6.

Any ideas or suggestions would be highly appreciated.


1 Answer 1


Try to set "mblIosWorkaround:false" to your djConfig/data-dojo-config, which disable some tricky code to avoid flicker issue on iOS webkit.

In 1.8, there will be an another improvement regarding touch response,see this ticket: http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/14604 I hope be helpful Regards.

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