I have 2 strings:

string d = "09/06/24";
string t = "13:35:01";

I want to take the strings and combine them to make a datetime variable:

newDT = Convert.ToDateTime(d + t);

Compiles but when it hits that line it fails..........any ideas?

6 Answers 6


DateTime.Parse(d + " " + t) should do it, the problem you were probably having is the lack of space inbetween the two variables, you were trying to parse:


As you can see, this is not a valid date format.


does this work?

DateTime.Parse(d + " " + t); 

Try this:

string d = "09/06/24";
string t = "13:35:01";
DateTime newDT = Convert.ToDateTime(d + " " + t);

If you have a specific format of date and time in the string, then consider using DateTime.TryParseExact which allows you to specify one or more formats to use for parsing.



Convert.ToDateTime(d + " " + t);

Convert.ToDateTime(d + " " + t) should also work.

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