In sbt 0.7.7 and earlier you could add a new processor just like this:

*lift is org.lifty lifty 1.6.1

and would use it like this:

lift create project-blank

I do understand that in sbt 0.10 and later versions they are called commands now.

However, is there a way to shorten this command syntax?

lifty create lift snippet


lifty create snippet

or even

lift create snippet

This syntax would be more concise.

1 Answer 1


You can use an alias for the command.


alias lift_create_snippit=lifty create lift snippet


alias lcs=lifty create lift snippet
  • That's sweet but in this case I have to create aliases for all possible Lifty command combinations or at least for the most common ones. It seems that there's no slick alternative for this, huh? May 16, 2012 at 8:49

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