I'm doing a project with Symfony2 and Sonata Admin Bundle. How I can apply the filter raw of twig (to display formated text) in action configureShowFields?

I would not override Sonata templates...

The code of my configureShowFields:

protected function configureShowFields(ShowMapper $showMapper)
            ->add('subtitle') // I need this field with twig RAW filter
            ->add('description') //I need this field with twig RAW filter

2 Answers 2


You can use the "safe" sonata field option as follow:

protected function configureShowFields(ShowMapper $showMapper)
        ->add('subtitle', null, array('safe' => true))

It will add the "raw" twig filter to your entity field.

From the base_show_field.html.twig:

{% block field %}
    {% if field_description.options.safe %}
       {{ value|raw }}
    {% else %}
       {{ value|nl2br }}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}
  • 1
    that's the best and easy answer
    – Cassiano
    Mar 22, 2016 at 13:57

You need to make a custom template.


        array:      SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:list_array.html.twig
        *** other existing declarations ***
        raw:        MyBundle:CRUD:raw.html.twig

Then make the template that the declaration maps to, and give 'raw' as the second argument to add field. It'll then call your new template to render that field.

  • I've done: - Create a folder in app / Resources / SonataAdminBundle / views / CRUD - Create the file in the folder: base_show_field.html.twig In this file put: <th>{% block name %}{{ admin.trans(field_description.label) }}{% endblock %}</th> <td>{% block field %}{{ value|raw }}{% endblock %}</td>
    – Mauro
    May 21, 2012 at 14:13
  • 1
    Think this means you are now escaping /everything/ - which I'm guessing is what you want. For everyone else - my suggestion above allows you to do it to some fields only.
    – benlumley
    May 23, 2012 at 11:56

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