Specifically I need

  1. interleaved data.

    I need my various attributes mostly all in the same buffer interleaved and not in separate buffers because I'll be updating most attributes together. Ideally I'd have one buffer with attribute1 and another buffer with attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5, interleaved.

  2. the ability to only partially update buffers.

    My understanding of the current Three.JS code is that if I update vertex data it uploads all of it but I specifically only want to update a tiny portion. I can manage this myself assuming I can get Three.JS to do #1 and tell me where it made the buffers. Or if I can make the buffers myself and tell Three.js how to use them.

  3. 100% custom attributes.

    None of my attributes are standard. No positions, normals, uvs, It's all special. This means for example THREE.js will not be able to look at my data to figure out a centroid or bounding box. If it needs that data I'll need to supply it.

If there's an example that already does this just point me to it. Looking at the examples folder though I didn't see one. A grep through the three.js code didn't bring up any calls to vertexAttribPointer with custom offsets. Is this something I'd have to add?

  • I don't think none of that is currently supported. Maybe you can post it as a feature request? github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues
    – mrdoob
    May 25, 2012 at 16:46
  • I'm new to stackoverflow. Should I write that as an answer instead of as a comment?
    – mrdoob
    May 25, 2012 at 17:28
  • 2
    I think save answering for after the feature is added. Then there will be an answer :-)
    – gman
    May 25, 2012 at 19:08


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