I am using the php exec command to execute another file.

I am using the following:

 exec ('php email.php');

But I would wish to pass a variable called $body to "email.php" file through the exec command. How can I pass the variable through exec command?

  • php calling php? why exec()? Any reason you couldn't just include() it?
    – Spudley
    May 26, 2012 at 19:35

4 Answers 4


Pass the argument:

exec('php email.php "' . addslashes($body) . '"');

Get it in email.php:

$body = stripslashes($argv[1]);
  • Thanks. addslashes and strpslashes works perfect but $body = stripslashes($argv[1]) and not argv[0] May 26, 2012 at 19:08
  • 1
    Indeed, $argv[0] is the file's name. I corrected it, thanks! May 26, 2012 at 19:23


 exec ('php email.php firstparameter secondparameter thirdparameter');

You can also refer this : Command Line Manual


You can pass it as a parameter to email.php

exec('php email.php "'.addslashes($body).'"');

And email.php get it with

$body = stripslashes($argv[1]);

But if $body contains long text with fancy chars, it is better if you save it to a temporary file with random name.

$temp_file = uniqid().'.txt';
file_put_contents($temp_file, $body);
exec("php email.php $temp_file");

Then in email.php, get the $body from contents of $temp_file.


2 ways to pass parameters to php script from php exec command:

$fileName = '/var/www/ztest/helloworld.php 12';
$options = 'target=13';
exec ("/usr/bin/php -f {$fileName} {$options} > /var/www/ztest/log01.txt 2>&1 &");

echo "ended the calling script"; 

see complete answer (with called script and results)

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