I created an app (id:155124624522900 - https://developers.facebook.com/apps/155124624522900)

And it is supposed to work as page server for Business Pages (as a tab)

But I get this code when trying to access from my debug app:

App Temporarily Unavailable The URL The URL http://foodtreedevfb.herokuapp.com/tab returned a 404 Not Found error.

Still, the url is good! I wonder what is happening.

I am serving from Play Framework on Heroku.

it may be related to some trailing slash issue on the uri, still I changed and it didn't help.

1 Answer 1


Is your app redirecting when Facebook sends the POST request? this can happen if your URLs in Facebook's settings are setup without the trailing '/'

Also, check your index file allows POST requests - i'm not sure if heroku have any such restrictions but many other servers won't allow POST requests to some URLs

  • 1
    What I was about to write.. I added POST routes and it worked, thanks May 29, 2012 at 20:53
  • Just to complement, I wish it was better explained about POST and trailing '/' in the page developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs And also, Heroku is just the host, they accept all verbs in all routes, if any restriction is present is due the web library or framework of choice. May 29, 2012 at 21:22

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