I want to pass id=1 when i press a link.


<%=link_to "Questions " ,:action=>"index" %>

i want to pass this id value to controller app/post_controller.rb

Please tell how to access that value also.

1 Answer 1


You can do it like this:

<%= link_to "Questions", :action => "index", :id => 1 %>

And a more readable version:

<%= link_to "Questions", questions_path, id: 1 %>

However, there's propably a much better way for what you want to achieve. If you want to link to a certain Question, you should do it like this: First you retrieve the question object in your controller like this:

@question = Question.find(2) # or params[:id]

and then in your view you just do this:

<%= link_to "Question", @question %>

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