My app (a flight tracker) needs to draw a line between two points (cities say) on a sphere (earth) along the surface (i.e. the great circle route) using Three.js.

I can think of 2 ways - (a) creating Three.js 'Line' with a set of (enough) points that I calculate manually and (b) writing the lines into the texture I use for the sphere after it's loaded but before I apply it as a texture.

I can see problems with both (not even sure if (b) is possible in Three.js yet) - anyone think of a better way or have an opinion?

Thanks in advance.

  • 1
    b works. Load your image into a canvas element, paint line(s) and use the canvas as texture. Use texture.needsUpdate on updates. What's your problem with a ? Jun 10, 2012 at 19:38
  • Thank you all - apologies for late reply - I hoped the site would alert me when answers came in.
    – speedwell
    Jun 21, 2012 at 23:25

1 Answer 1


You use many particles to create a kind of dotted line.

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