I have an MVC app where I'm wanting to display a dropdownlist with info from the database.

The dropdown will display info from database Cars using the table Make which is the make of the car.

So in my view I will have something like:

@model VectorCheck.ViewModels.CarsViewModel

@Html.DropDownListFor(modelItem => Model.MakeId, Model.Makes)

So somehow I need to get the view model the list of makes.

So I might have some logic to go with this say only cars that are colour Red.

var redCars = _unitOfWork.Cars(x => x.Colour == "Red");

So my question is where is the best practise to put the logic for this query. Should it go in the viewModel or controller.

The way I see it I have two Options.

Option 1: The controller.

public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var car = _unitOfWork.CarRepository.Get(id);

            var carMakes = _unitOfWork.CarMakeRepository.Where(x => x.Colour == "Red").Select(u => new SelectListItem { Value = u.CarMakeId.ToString(), Text = u.Name });

            return View("Edit", new InsertUpdateCarViewModel(car, carMakes));


public Car Car { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> CarMakes { get; set; }

InsertUpdateCarViewModel(Car car, IEnumerable<SelectListItem> carMakes)
   Car= car;
   CarMakes = carMakes;


So in this example I get the carMakes in the controller and give them to the viewModel which is simply a container.

Opon 2: The viewModel

public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var car = _unitOfWork.CarRepository.Get(id);

            return View("Edit", new InsertUpdateCarViewModel(car));


public Car Car { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> CarMakes { get; set; }

InsertUpdateCarViewModel(Car car)
   Car= car;

   CarMakes = _unitOfWork.CarMakeRepository.Where(x => x.Colour == "Red").Select(u => new SelectListItem { Value = u.CarMakeId.ToString(), Text = u.Name });


So in this option I'm putting the logic to get the correct carmakes in the view model. It is more than a container.

So what I'm wanting to know is which of these ways is the correct way of doing this?

4 Answers 4


In the controller. The ViewModel should not be aware of the unit of work you are using. Also, the view model in this case would be a lot more reusable if it didn't have to rely on the logic x => x.Colour == "Red". Even though this could be moved to the arguments, in general, I believe your models (and therefor views) would be much more reusable taking care of that in the controller.


As already answered, it is the controller. To make it more memorable for you, I would put it this way. Do not let your view talk to the database directly. View asks/talks to Controller ONLY. Then obviously it makes sense for the view to send a request to the controller which forwards it to the database. Hope this helps for future!


You should add your logic to the Controller. In MVC, the ViewModel is an object that contains properties used in your view, no business logic in there.


Any answer would be very subjective but I'd suggest that having the _unitOfWork reference (or any dependancy which needs injecting) within your view model rather violent separation of concerns.

Keep it in the controller - far cleaner.

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