I successfully installed git bash on my windows 7, and it worked for quite a few days. But in the recent days I'm always getting the same error:

Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available. 

Running the command "ssh [email protected]", I get a success message:

Hi xxxx, You've successfuly authenticated. but Github does not provide shell access.

I checked the .profile, the GIT_SSH is set to the ssh.exe come along with git bash like this:

GIT_SSH = "/d/progra~1/git/bin/ssh.exe"

However, I noticed that every time I open git bash, there's an error message:

sh.exe": GIT_SSH: command not found

As a result, I see the TortoisePlink.exe is still in use.

Any advice is appreciated!

1 Answer 1


A workaround would be to use https addresses for GitHub repo (https://github.com/username/yourRepo), and putting your GitHub credentials in a %HOME%/_netrc file: see "Syncing with github".

The other alternative would be to check out http://windows.github.com, and see if that setup works.
It will create its own ssh public/private keys and register them on your account.

Note that this answers suggests:


(ie a unix-like path)

  • GitHub for Windows is simply great!
    – sogno
    Aug 9, 2012 at 11:30

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