I currently have this script :

function addConsultant()
var sheet_staffing = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Staffing"); 
var sheet_parametres = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Parametres");
var range_tabConsultant_default = sheet_parametres.getRange(26,1,6,64);
var row_position_newTab = sheet_parametres.getRange(1,1).getValue();
range_tabConsultant_default.copyFormatToRange(sheet_staffing, 1, 36, row_position_newTab, row_position_newTab + 6);
range_tabConsultant_default.copyValuesToRange(sheet_staffing, 1, 36, row_position_newTab, row_position_newTab + 6);

This is like a default tab, their is one tab per person, but I dont know how to copy formulas from def tab to tab created by script. Can someone help me with this?

3 Answers 3


Take a look at the getFormulas and getFormulasR1C1 methods of the Range class. You'll also need to use the corresponding setFormulas or setFormulasR1C1.

[edit: to answer the comments]

If in the multi-cell range you're copying mixed values and formulas. You'll have to break up the calls into multiple sets, for either value or formula, as a single cell can only have one (or parse the plain values into simple formulas, e.g. ="value").

To have your formulas "following" the reference, use the set/getFormulasR1C1 notation instead of the simpler set/getFormulas.

  • Its working, but not as I expected, for exemple, I want D40 =sum(D41:D45) but the next tab I'll add on my sheet will need the formula D46=(D47:D51). No way to do that?
    – ElPoney
    Jun 11, 2012 at 13:50
  • And if I set this : range_newTab.setFormulas(Formulas_tab); before my CopyValueToRange(), it dont work, and if I set it after, CopyValueToRange() dont work.
    – ElPoney
    Jun 11, 2012 at 13:52
  • Ok, after all its working, but if I use a copyValueToRange, I've to use many setFormula (because setFormulas dont work). Thanks for your help !
    – ElPoney
    Jun 13, 2012 at 7:58

What if the script used the Current sheet the user was looking at with this function ? GetActiveSheet

  • I dont think it will work, because if the user launch the script from the wrong sheet, it will make a tab on the sheet and overwrite information. Its why Im using a cell with the position of the row that is after the last tab.
    – ElPoney
    Jun 11, 2012 at 13:12

Here is the sample how to copy formula in A1 to A2:A range with relative references:

var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

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