I need to parse through the array and find out a value at particular place in a TCL script

E.g., I have a string

set var "00 01 02 03"

I need to parse through the var to find what is there in the 3rd entry (02).

2 Answers 2


What you need is a TCL list. Remember the index counter starts at 0, so pass in 2 to lindex to find the 3rd element

% set my_list [list 00 01 02 03]
00 01 02 03
% lindex $my_list 2

Your string can be interpreted as a list, so you could use lindex to get the 3rd list element (counted starting with index 0):

lindex $var 2

Better would be (and works with different delimiters, too):

lindex [split $var " "] 2
  • 1
    Sometimes, it is easier to use regexp -inline -all to do the word identification step. Jun 12, 2012 at 12:10

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