I have a text file where each line may end with some fixed TAG surrounded by white spaces, e.g

some text TAG

I'm writing something like:

while (<FILE>) {

The problem is that this remove the new line from the end, is there anyway to tell Perl not to replace the new line? The only thing I thought of is to write

s/\s*TAG[ \t]*$//;

Is there better way?

[Not sure if this is relevant, but OS is Linux]


  • It seems that it would be easier just to put the newline back. Jun 17, 2012 at 9:12
  • If this will be in a one-liner, adding the -l option will solve your problem.
    – TLP
    Jun 17, 2012 at 11:30

1 Answer 1


[^\S\n] will match whitespace that's not a newline, so:


Or you could just do:


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