When I run my html page from the local directory E:/ForSteven/PDBModels/pages/2FFU.html it works properly when I place the applet jar files with the html and say codebase="."

It also works when the pages are in a subdirectory of the jarfiles - say the code is at E:/applet/code the page is in E:/applet/code/pages and the data is in E:/applet/code/data - that is both page and data are subdirectories of the code and codebase=".." and the file is ../data/mydata.txt

However if the code is in E:/applet/code , the page is in E:/applet/pages and the data is in E:/applet/data and the codebase="../code"

then I get

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.io.FilePermission E:\applet\data\data/mydata.txt read)

I am on a Windows 7 box my applet tag looks like this

<applet name="flash" code="JmolApplet" archive="JmolApplet.jar"
    width="500" height="420" align="center" mayscript="true">
  • Given all the File paths, why use an applet at all? An application with no security manager would make more sense. Jun 29, 2012 at 4:11

1 Answer 1


please read What Applets Can and Cannot Do

Unsigned applets cannot perform the following operations:

  • They cannot access client resources such as the local filesystem, executable files, system clipboard, and printers.
  • They cannot connect to or retrieve resources from any third party server (any server other than the server it originated from).
  • They cannot load native libraries.
  • They cannot change the SecurityManager.
  • They cannot create a ClassLoader.
  • They cannot read certain system properties. See System Properties for a list of forbidden system properties.

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