I've been assigned to completely run a project using CMake.

Basically, the project has over 20 modules, and for each module i created a CMake file such as:

# Module: CFS

add_library(cfs ${files})

kernel2 is another module and has its own CMakeFile.

Now the problem is that a third module: m3 requires headers from cfs (which also require headers from kernel2)

So i basically go with:

# Module: m3
file( ... )
add_library(m3 ${files})
target_link_library(m3 cfs)

Unfortunately this is not enough, kernel2 included files won't be found when i compile unless I add:


Am I doing it wrong? Perhaps I should also add include files using add_library directive?

1 Answer 1


If you have #include directives in cfs's headers, then you should use


It's not the problem of CMake, but how C/C++ compiler works.

For example, you have following header in cfs:

#include "kernel2/someclass.h"

class SomeCfsClass
    SomeKernelClass kernelObject;

Now if you wish to instantiate SomeCfsClass in your m3 module, the compiler should know it's size. But knowing it's size is not possible without knowning SomeKernelClass definition from kernel2/someclass.h.

This situation can be resolved by storing not the object, but pointer to it inside SomeCfsClass:

class SomeKernelClass; // forward declare SomeKernelClass

class SomeCfsClass
    SomeKernelClass * kernelObject;

But of course, there are cases, when it's simply impossible to avoid including.

As an alternative, i can suggest to use relative paths in #include directives, but this solution is somewhat hackish.

  • Either i explained it wrong or got it wrong. But since cfs compiles and outputs a library file, isn't there any way to tell m3 to use that library without including the kernel2 headers?
    – Salepate
    Jun 28, 2012 at 11:03
  • If cfs' headers includes kernel2 headers - no. If you wish, i can expand answer with explanation why is it so.
    – arrowd
    Jun 28, 2012 at 13:48

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