I am trying to understand a point here in C++. If class A has a non-virtual method, and class B, which extends A, overrides that method, can i create an instance of B and somehow use the method defined in B? Is there a point to override a non-virtual method?


4 Answers 4


Is there a point to override a non-virtual method?

You are not actually overriding, but this is the behavior, i.e

B* b = new B();
A* a = new B();
b->method(); //Calls B's method
a->method(); // Calls A's method

So, the pointer/reference type determines the method called.

can i create an instance of B and somehow use the method defined in B?

Yes. The pointer/reference type has to be of type B. (see previous example).

If you don't declare method to be virtual, you cannot override it, but you can hide it.

  • 1
    One "gotcha" is the situation when A in turn is derived from some base class (or implements an interface) which declares virtual method(), in which case a->method() will in fact call B.method()...
    – Magnus
    Mar 19, 2016 at 13:06
  • @Chip You missed to emphasize the difference. This answer is complete only with BadCashs comment. May 31, 2016 at 12:59
  • 1
    @ManuelSchneid3r While you are right, in BadCash's case A's method is virtual. The question was about non-virtual methods. In C++, "once virtual, always virtual".
    – Chip
    Jun 1, 2016 at 6:43

If B inherits from A, and redefines a method defined in A, then new instances of B will call B's version. However, if the method is not virtual, then there is no polymorphic behavior, so if an instance of B is referenced as an A, then the method will be A's. For example:

struct A {
    void foo () { std::cout << "A::foo" << std::endl; }

struct B : public A {
    void foo () { std::cout << "B::foo" << std::endl; }

B b;
A *a = &b;

The output of the code above would be:


However, if the foo method had been virtual, then B::foo would have been printed twice.

  • Well written! :)
    – niknak
    Jun 4, 2017 at 1:09

If a function is not virtual then the type of the variable determines which implementation is dispatched too:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct A {
    void f() { cout << "A" << endl; }

struct B : public A {
    void f() { cout << "B" << endl; }

int main(int args, char** argv) {

    B b;
    A& a = b;


    return 0;
  • No, there is no mechanism to override a non-virtual method in class A.
  • Yes, you can use a non-virtual method from class A overloaded in B by using scope resolution operator A::methodName

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