Error: ORA-00937: Not a single-group group function


    select count(*) todas,
       sum(case when i.prioridade = 1 then 1 else 0 end) urgente,
       sum(case when i.prioridade = 2 then 1 else 0 end) alta,
       sum(case when i.prioridade = 3 then 1 else 0 end) normal,
       sum(case when i.prioridade = 4 then 1 else 0 end) baixa,
       (select count(*)
        from GMITEMOS i 
        inner join GMCTLSLA c  on c.os = i.cd_numero_os and c.item = i.item
        where i.situacao in ('A', 'I', 'P')
           and c.ordem = 99999
           ) naoAvaliados,
       sum(case when i.situacao = 'P' then 1 else 0 end) pendentes,
       sum(case when i.situacao = 'A' or i.situacao = 'I' then 1 else 0 end) iniciados
from GMITEMOS i 
where i.situacao in ('A', 'I', 'P')
   and  exists (select 1 
               from GMCTLSLA c 
               where c.os = i.cd_numero_os 
                  and c.item = i.item)

The error is ocurring here:

(select count(*)
        from GMITEMOS i 
        inner join GMCTLSLA c  on c.os = i.cd_numero_os and c.item = i.item
        where i.situacao in ('A', 'I', 'P')
           and c.ordem = 99999
           ) naoAvaliados

Can someone tell why is it happening?

  • 1
    Try put a single column into the group not *, or just group it by something that will be distinct anyway
    – Jester
    Jul 5, 2012 at 17:40
  • Just fixed it with max(), thanks. Jul 5, 2012 at 17:46

3 Answers 3


You may have fixed it with max but that's not why it's happening and is a little bit hacky. Your problem is that your sub-query, which translates into a single column is not an aggregate query, min, max, sum etc and so needs to be included in a group by clause. You fixed this by wrapping it in max as the maximum of a single value will always be constant.

However, as your sub-query is, itself, an analytic query and will only ever return one row the obvious thing to do is to use a cartesian join to add it to your query. In the explicit join syntax this is known as the cross join.

select count(*) todas
     , sum(case when i.prioridade = 1 then 1 else 0 end) urgente
     , sum(case when i.prioridade = 2 then 1 else 0 end) alta
     , sum(case when i.prioridade = 3 then 1 else 0 end) normal
     , sum(case when i.prioridade = 4 then 1 else 0 end) baixa
     , naoAvaliados
     , sum(case when i.situacao = 'P' then 1 else 0 end) pendentes
     , sum(case when i.situacao = 'A' or i.situacao = 'I' then 1 else 0 end) iniciados
  from GMITEMOS i 
 cross join (select count(*) as naoAvaliados
               from GMITEMOS j
              inner join GMCTLSLA k
                 on k.os = j.cd_numero_os 
                and k.item = j.item
              where j.situacao in ('A', 'I', 'P')
                and k.ordem = 99999
 where i.situacao in ('A', 'I', 'P')
   and exists (select 1 
                 from GMCTLSLA c 
                where c.os = i.cd_numero_os 
                  and c.item = i.item

The cartesian join has a bad reputation as it multiples the number of rows on one side of the join by the number of rows on the other. It does, however, have it's uses, especially in this sort of case.


It's happening because the subquery itself is a scalar result, not a group function. As you have apparently found, you can fix it by substituting a group function that yields an equivalent result to your subquery.


In merge statement, if you are getting this error than simple use the group by and it will resolve the issue.

merge into table1 tb1
   (select a.id,a.ac_no,sum(a.qy) as qyt,sum(a.amt) as sum_amt from 
    table2 a, table1 b
    where a.id=b.id
    and a.id = '1234'
    and a.date = '08Oct2014'
    and a.ac_no in (123, 234, 345)
    and a.ac_no = b.ac_no
    group by a.ac_no,a.id
  on (qry.id=tb1.id and qry.ac_no=tb1.ac_no )
  when matched then
  update set qy=qry.qy,amt = qry.sum_amt;

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