How can I make something like this work with range based loops for both Elements and Attributes?

#include <list>
#include "XMLAttribute.h"

namespace XML
    class Element
            typedef std::list<Attribute> attribute_container;
            typedef std::list<Element> element_container;


            bool has_attributes() const;
            bool has_elements() const;
            bool has_data() const;

            const std::string &name() const;
            const std::string &data() const;

            std::string _name;
            std::string _data;

            attribute_container _attributes;
            element_container _elements;

I would like to be able to use something like:

for (XML::Element &el : element) { .. }
for (XML::Attribute &at : element) { .. }

And block something like for (auto &some_name : element) { .. } //XML::Element or XML::Attribute?.

Is it a good idea to implement it like this or should I change my design?

1 Answer 1


The correct answer is to give Element nodes functions that return ranges of child attributes and elements. Thus, you can do this:

for(auto &element : element.child_elements()) {...}
for(auto &attribute : element.attributes()) {...}

Your child_elements function would return some kind of type that stores two iterators, like a boost::iterator_range. attributes would likewise return a range for attribute elements.


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