I am starting an active mq broker using my own config file:

./apache-activemq-5.6.0/bin/activemq console xbean:custom-broker.xml

The broker is using some classes I have defined which reside in a jar. For a while now I was just sticking the jar in the activemq lib folder, and everything worked fine. However I would now like for active mq to pick up the jar from a different folder, something which the --extdir option claims to be capable of doing. However I can't get it to work. I am executing the command:

./apache-activemq-5.6.0/bin/activemq console xbean:custom-broker.xml --extdir ../mylib/

where the jar in question is located in mylib, and am getting ClassNotFoundException every time.

What am I missing?

  • Where did you find --extdir option? You may need to point jvm to external libs directory instead. Jul 18, 2012 at 10:23
  • @GermannArlington if you type activemq -? you will see the extdir option listed. How can I point jvm to external libs directory? Jul 18, 2012 at 11:32

1 Answer 1


Resolved. --extdir does work as expected, turns out someone changed the name of one of the packages by like 1 character, and this is why activemq couldnt find the class in question in the jar :P. Also worth noting that if you want to add multiple folders to active mq's classpath, then you need to repeat --extdir multiple times, as in "--extdir foldr1 --extdir foldr2" as documented here:


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