i am using this Dual Listbox Plugin, i am trying to fetch the values using onClick event of jQuery that has been selected from box1 to box2,

this is the code i am using

<form action="" method="post" class="form" id="purchaseEditUpdateItemForm">
<div class="widget">
    <div class="title">
        <img src="/images/icons/dark/full2.png" alt="" class="titleIcon" />
        <a href="#" class="button blueB" id="purchaseEditUpdateItemBtn" style="margin: 4px;">
    <div class="body">
        <div class="leftPart">
            <div class="filter">
                <input type="text" id="box1Filter" class="boxFilter" />
                <input type="button" id="box1Clear" class="fBtn" value="x" />
                <div class="clear"></div>
            <select id="box1View" multiple="multiple" class="multiple" style="height:200px;">
                <option value="5">ITEM005</option>
                <option value="6">ITEM006</option>
                <option value="7">ITEM007</option>
                <option value="8">ITEM008</option>
            <span id="box1Counter" class="countLabel"></span>
            <div class="dn">
                <select id="box1Storage" name="box1Storage"></select>
        <div class="dualControl">
            <button id="to2" type="button" class="basic mr5 mb15">&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;</button>
            <button id="allTo2" type="button" class="basic">&nbsp;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;</button>
            <br />
            <button id="to1" type="button" class="basic mr5">&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;</button>
            <button id="allTo1" type="button" class="basic">&nbsp;&lt;&lt;&nbsp;</button>
        <div class="rightPart">
            <div class="filter">
                <input type="text" id="box2Filter" class="boxFilter" />
                <input type="button" id="box2Clear" class="fBtn" value="x" />
                <div class="clear"></div>
            <select id="box2View" multiple="multiple" class="multiple" style="height:200px;">
                <option value="1">ITEM001</option>
                <option value="2">ITEM002</option>
                <option value="3">ITEM003</option>
                <option value="4">ITEM004</option>
            <span id="box2Counter" class="countLabel"></span>
            <div class="dn">
                <select id="box2Storage"></select>
        <div class="clear"></div>

i am trying something like? (i know the below code is not practical)

$('#purchaseEditUpdateItemBtn').live('click', function(){
    var formData = $('#purchaseEditUpdateItemForm').serialize();
  • You want all items in #box2view or the items which are copied from box1 to box2 or may be something else? Jul 23, 2012 at 5:44
  • you got it correct, actually i just want the items from #box2View Jul 23, 2012 at 5:55
  • You have already found the solution thats great, btw if it is just to see the items then: $('#box2View').select().text() Jul 23, 2012 at 6:12

3 Answers 3


Have you tried something like this:

   //If the items do not get the "selected" attribute, you could also use this:
   var items = $("select#boxview2 option");

$.each(items, function(index, elem){
   //this will log the value for each item inside the boxview2 list

Good luck!

  • you are close, i solved it myself. i used this code to fetch values from box2View $('#purchaseEditUpdateItemBtn').live('click', function(){ var select = []; $('#box2View option').each(function(i, selected){ select[i] = $(selected).val(); }); console.log(select); return false; }); Jul 23, 2012 at 5:45

when using serialize() form elements must have name attributes:

<select name='box1View' id="box1View" multiple="multiple" class="multiple" style="height:200px;">
    <option value="5" selcted>ITEM005</option>
    <option value="6">ITEM006</option>
    <option value="7">ITEM007</option>
    <option value="8">ITEM008</option>

please note that live is deprecated, you can use on() method instead, try the following:

$('form').on('click', 'a.button', function(){
    var formData = $('select').serialize();
  • this does not work, prints empty string in console, i have added the name attribute to the select element though :( Jul 23, 2012 at 5:52
  • @IbrahimAzharArmar have you added name attributes?
    – Ram
    Jul 23, 2012 at 5:53
  • @IbrahimAzharArmar you should first select a value, try this jsfiddle.net/TfHpj
    – Ram
    Jul 23, 2012 at 5:56
  • okay, so jQuery serialize() requires the values to be selected first in multiple select element? that makes sense. but given the plugin implementation i won't be selecting the values from select box. i was hoping jQuery would do the magic for me :D, anyhow i think i should stick with @Rob Angelier's solution. and thank you. Jul 23, 2012 at 6:00
  • @IbrahimAzharArmar there is no need for using jQuery, you can use selected attribute.
    – Ram
    Jul 23, 2012 at 6:11

try this

console.log("Selected from box 1 "+$("select#box1View option:selected")); // selected from #box1View
console.log("Selected from box 2 "+$("select#box2View option:selected")); // selected from #vow2View
  • 1
    If you look in the HTML source, you can see that none of the items get the "selected" attribute. Jul 23, 2012 at 5:43
  • In that case, You should look at my answer Jul 23, 2012 at 5:45

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