My program reads a field like *ABC* and tries to convert it into a glob statement. I am having issues when trying to restrict the data.
Glob doesn't work the same in linux bash vs python glob library:

From bash:

bash_level$ ls *FOO*V7*
baz_FOO_V7.txt  baz_FOO_V777.txt 
bash_level$ ls *FOO*V7[![:digit:]]* 

From ipython:

In [1]: import glob
In [2]: glob.glob("*FOO*V7*.txt")
Out[2]: ['baz_FOO_V7.txt', 'baz_FOO_V777.txt']
In [3]: glob.glob("*FOO*V7[![:digit:]]*.txt")
Out[3]: []

Bottom line:
Out[3] hasn't the same expected output.
How can I overcome this issue?

Many thanks

2 Answers 2


You could translate your glob expression into a regular expression:

import re
print filter(lambda x: regex.match(x), glob.glob("*"))

Of course, at this point you no longer need glob as you could use os.listdir() instead.


Reading the docs for glob and fnmatch (which is what glob uses to do matching), it appears that your match could be written as:


as well.

  • Thanks @mgilson, but I am expecting that the *ABC* field to be filled in by a user in a csv file. The line r'.*FOO.*V7[^\d].*\.txt' could look a bit discouraging for the average user (not that [![:digit:]] is friendlier, but it's a bit easier to read).
    – dola
    Jul 23, 2012 at 14:21
  • Many thanks @mgilson! your line glob.glob('*FOO*V7[!0123456789]*') hit the spot!
    – dola
    Jul 23, 2012 at 14:27
  • @dola -- I agree. It's unfortunate that python's fnmatch doesn't match all shell globbing (although, not all shells glob the same either). fnmatch also won't handle curly braces ({}) which is technically a shell expansion, but the order of expansion is shell dependent (bash does it differently than csh for example). I think that you have to just resign yourself to a subset of what bash can do. (or write your own parser ... yuck ;^) )
    – mgilson
    Jul 23, 2012 at 14:28

Looking at the output of fnmatch.translate, which is used in the implementation of glob.glob, I think the glob is converted to an incorrect regex:

>>> fnmatch.translate("*FOO*V7[![:digit:]]*")

Python regular expressions don't handle the [[:class:]] syntax; it appears fnmatch.translate is limited in the glob patterns in can translate.

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