I really love how guava library allows simple one-liners for checking for null:

public void methodWithNullCheck(String couldBeNull) {
    String definitelyNotNull = checkNotNull(couldBeNull);

sadly, for simple argument check you need at least two lines of code:

public void methodWithArgCheck(String couldBeEmpty) {
    String definitelyNotEmpty = couldBeEmpty;

however it is possible to add method which could do argument check and return a value if check successful. Below is an example of check and how it could be implemented:

public void methodWithEnhancedArgCheck(String couldBeEmpty) {
    String definitelyNotEmpty = EnhancedPreconditions.checkArgument(couldBeEmpty, !couldBeEmpty.isEmpty());

static class EnhancedPreconditions {
    public static <T> T checkArgument(T reference, boolean expression) {
        if (!expression) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        return reference;

I just was wondering is that by design and if it is worth to put feature request for that.

EDIT: @Nizet, yeah, checks in methods could be clumsy. However checks in constructors for nulls looks really good and saves a lot of time spent on debugging NPEs:

public class SomeClassWithDependency {

    private final SomeDependency someDependency;

    public SomeClassWithDependency(SomeDependency someDependency) {
        this.someDependency = checkNotNull(someDependency);


EDIT: Accepting Nizet's answer because I agree with him on side-effects and consistency reasoning. Also if you take a look into Xaerxess comment it looks like that causing confusion amongst other developers as well.

  • 1
    In addition to your example with checkArgument(T ref, boolean expr), recently there was an issue #1038 discussing Preconditions.checkArgument(T ref, Predicate<T> test) which was rejected. You can always create Preconditions2 class with your own methods. Jul 30, 2012 at 7:30

3 Answers 3


The biggest single reason that checkNotNull returns its argument is so it can be used in constructors, like so:

public Foo(Bar bar) {
  this.bar = checkNotNull(bar);

But the main reason that checkArgument doesn't do something similar is that you'd have to pass the argument separately anyway, and it just doesn't seem worth it -- especially with more complicated precondition checks, which can sometimes be more readable on their own line. Just because something can be a one-liner doesn't mean that it should be, if it doesn't increase readability.

  • 2
    I didn't know it did return the parameter... doing a "Code Golf" refactor :-)
    – fommil
    Jul 31, 2012 at 11:12

What I've never understood is why checkNotNull() returns its argument in the first place:

public void foo(String bar) {
    // here, you're sure that bar is not null. 
    // No need to use another variable or to reassign bar to the result 
    // of checkNotNull()

I personally ignore the result of checkNotNull(), as above. And this makes things consistent with the other checks which return void.

The only advantage I see is that you can do something like that, but I find it less readable than doing it in two separate lines:

public String trim(String bar) {
    return Preconditions.checkNotNull(bar).trim();

So, in short, I agree with you that the API is somewhat inconsistent, but I would prefer for all the methods to return void. A method should either have a side effect, or return something, but doing both should be avoided generally. Here, the goal of the method is to have a side effect: throwing an exception.


Your example is indeed a more valid explanation of why returning the argument is useful. But I would still have favored consistency and cleanness instead of this possibility of checking and assigning in a single line.

  • 5
    I would not do things like Preconditions.checkNotNull(bar).trim() instead of simple bar.trim(). In both cases you get the same NPE, so the test buys you nothing and you're only obscuring a simple thing. checkNotNull is intended for failing fast, so you avoid possibly incorrect partial execution of a method and get a shorter stack trace.
    – maaartinus
    Jul 29, 2012 at 16:50
  • If you write it as: return checkNotNull(bar, "bar may not be null").trim();, it starts making sense to do it. Anyway, I'm not saying it should be done. To the contrary: I think checkNotNull() should return void.
    – JB Nizet
    Jul 29, 2012 at 16:58
  • 1
    @JBNizet I respect the quality of your argumentation, which is why I won't downvote. In my opinion the checknotNull method is a very good choice for returning the variable and I wish there were more methods like that (e.g. someInt / Ints.checkNoneZero(someOtherInt). I think it's a nice way to highlight important code requirements without making methods unnecessarily long. I think it makes code more, not less readable. On the contrary, I don't see the point of using the method at all in your first example. Jul 29, 2012 at 22:47
  • I've got 1 usecase where checkNotNull() returns its argument. The call to superclass constructor: super(Preconditions.checkNotNull(param1))
    – adaslaw
    Apr 27, 2021 at 15:42

You can use valid4j with hamcrest-matchers instead (found on Maven Central as org.valid4j:valid4j)

For preconditions and postconditions:

import static org.valid4j.Assertive.*;

this.myField = require(argument, notNullValue());
this.myInteger = require(x, greaterThan(0));
return ensure(result, isValid());

For input validation:

import static org.valid4j.Validation.*;

validate(argument, isValid(), otherwiseThrowing(InvalidException.class));


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