I have a Boards entity and a Shares entity. A board can have many shares( as in a user shared a board he made with another user).

The Boards entity has an auto inc. column called boardId. The shares entity has a column with the same name that maps a share to a board. Here is the code to map it:


 *  @orm:OneToMany(targetEntity="Shares", mappedBy="boards", cascade={"persist",  "remove"})
private $shares;


 * @orm:ManyToOne(targetEntity="Boards", inversedBy="shares")
 * @orm:JoinColumns({
 *   @orm:JoinColumn(name="board_id", referencedColumnName="board_id")
 * })
private $boards;

When I persist a new Share as so:

 $share = new Shares();

I'm calling the boardId as so:

 $boards = $em->getRepository('PixbellyHomeBundle:Boards')

I have echoed out the the boardId up until, literally, the line before and the id is correct, however when I call persist, I get this error:

"response":{"errorInfo":["23000",1048,"Column 'board_id' cannot be null"]}}

I think it has to do with the relationship but I have tried it all and nothing, any help?

1 Answer 1


You should be doing something like:

  • I got call to undefined method, this one is really confusing me.
    – Naterade
    Aug 3, 2012 at 14:30
  • you have a property called boards. You should have a setter method for that property, which would be setBoards(). If you don't have it you should add it. Or you can use the doctrine: generate: entities command to have doctrine generate it for you. Aug 3, 2012 at 17:40
  • Carlos, you led me in the right direction. I had to use this $board = $em->getReference('PixbellyHomeBundle:Boards', $board_id); $share->setBoardId($board->getBoardId()); Lol, the problem is now it breaks my join statement, I can't win!
    – Naterade
    Aug 8, 2012 at 0:29

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