This is kind of convoluted, so if I'm missing out on an easy construct for this, please let me know :)

I'm analysing the results of some matching experiments. At the end game, I want to be able to query things such as experiments[0]["cat"]["cat"], which yields the number of times "cat" was matched against "cat". Conversely, I could do experiments[0]["cat"]["dog"], when the first query was a cat and the match attempt was a dog.

The following is my code to populate this structure:

    # initializing the first layer, a list of dictionaries.
    experiments = []
    for assignment in assignments:
        match_sums = {}

for i in xrange(len(classes)):
        for experiment in xrange(len(experiments)):
            # experiments[experiment][classes[i]] should hold a dictionary,
            # where the keys are the things that were matched against classes[i], 
            # and the value is the number of times this occurred.
            experiments[experiment][classes[i]] = collections.defaultdict(dict)

            # matches[experiment][i] is an integer for what the i'th match was in an experiment.
            # classes[j] for some integer j is the string name of the i'th match. could be "dog" or "cat".
            experiments[experiment][classes[i]][classes[matches[experiment][i]]] += 1
            total_class_sums[classes[i]] = total_class_sums.get(classes[i], 0) + 1

    print experiments[0]["cat"]["cat"]

So clearly this is a bit convoluted. And I'm getting a value of "1" for the last match, rather than a full dictionary at experiments[0]["cat"]. Have I approached this wrong? What could the bug here be? Sorry for the craziness and thanks for any possible help!

  • You MUST use dictionaries? Wouldn't it be easier to go OOP on this one?
    – favoretti
    Aug 9, 2012 at 20:15
  • @favoretti perhaps... Though it's not immediately clear what kind of objects would simplify this. I can't change the original data format (the classes list or the matches list)
    – Jim
    Aug 9, 2012 at 20:20
  • You're code looks like it should work correctly -- you only define the first dictionary as a defaultdict so getting '1' from experiments[0]["cat"] seems strange... if you drop the specific experiment assignments do you still get a value of '1' from experiments[0]["cat"]?
    – Pyrce
    Aug 9, 2012 at 20:22
  • Please fix identation. It't not clear wheither print and exit are inside first loop or not
    – Odomontois
    Aug 9, 2012 at 20:29
  • Also it's strange. Why you should use dict of dicts? In the code you are creating defaultdict and always putting single value in it
    – Odomontois
    Aug 9, 2012 at 20:31

2 Answers 2


Two points:

  • Dictionary keys can be tuples; and
  • If you're counting things, use collections.Counter. (You can use defaultdict(int), but Counter is more useful.)

So, instead of

experiments[experiment][classes[i]][classes[matches[experiment][i]]] += 1


experiments = Counter()
experiments[experiment, classes[i], classes[matches[experiment][i]]] += 1
  • It's hard to tell from the question, but I have a feeling it should end up saying something even simpler, like experiments[experiment_index, cls, value] += 1, in the end. Aug 9, 2012 at 21:04

I just trying to guess your needs, so i tried to change order of your dimensions.

for className, classIdx in enumerate(classes):
    experiment = collections.defaultdict(list)
    experiments[className] = experiment
    for assignment,assignmentIdx in enumerate(assignments):
        counterpart = classes[matches[assignmentIdx][classIdx]]

print(len(experiments["cat"]["cat"]), len(experiments["cat"]))

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