I have this piece of text:

W/NNP Yes/NNP Get/NNP Paid/NNP for/IN Going/NNP to/TO College/NNP !/. Check/NNP it/PRP out/RP here/RB !/. http/NN :/: //sldollar.notlong.com/JJ apple/NN iphone/NN TGIF/NNP swine/NN flu/NN

I am currently using this regex to capture some regions of interest:

[a-zA-Z]*/NN[PS]* [a-zA-Z]*/NN[PS]*

I am using RegexPal to test this.

enter image description here

This captures TGIF/NNP swine/NN but not swine/NN flu/NN. Any suggestions on how to fix my regex to capture this?

  • The reason is that some matches overlap.
    – user2665694
    Aug 12, 2012 at 6:22
  • @Maulwurfn: Yeap. Thank you. Just realized this can be solved using positive lookahead and posted my answer.
    – Legend
    Aug 12, 2012 at 6:23
  • 1
    – user2665694
    Aug 12, 2012 at 6:23
  • @tripleee: Well something like that, just that I'm not tacking spam though ;)
    – Legend
    Aug 12, 2012 at 6:50

2 Answers 2


In case anyone else needs this, I guess the answer is to use a positive lookahead:

([a-zA-Z]*/NN[PS]* )(?=([a-zA-Z]*/NN[PS]*))

Multiple matches cannot overlap.

apple/NN iphone/NN TGIF/NNP swine/NN flu/NN

Matches marked A and B above follow each other, but because piece C starts in the middle of match A (and likewise for D within B), they are not matches.

You need to match once and then re-search at some point after the previous starting point, or use lookahead so the latter part isn't consumed.


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