Normally, anonymous event handlers can be released as follows:

    EventHandler hdl = null;
    hdl += (ss,ee) =>
       MyObj.Completed -= hdl;            
       hdl = null;

    MyObj.Completed += hdl;            

My question is: Is hdl = null; necessary for the latest version of C#? Also are there any simpler solutions or simpler a syntax for this release?

2 Answers 2


A few things:

  1. Simply setting hdl = null will not free your handler for garbage collection because MyObj.Completed would still hold the reference to the handler. (But MyObj.Completed -= hdl takes care of it in this case, so you should be fine.)
  2. You don't have to use += on your assignment to hdl. You should just use simple assignment =.
  3. If your lambda were, instead, a named method, you could use MyObj.Completed += MyCallbackName and MyObj.Completed -= MyCallbackName. This doesn't work if you need stuff captured in closure, but I don't see that from your example.

No, it is not required. That is basically all tied to a capture-context (compiler-generated class); once the event is unsubscribed, nothing will be keeping the capture-context in scope, so it will be eligible for garbage collection. There is no benefit (but no real harm) wiping the variable hdl (actually a field on the capture-context).

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