So I'm making a basic GUI with the NetBeans IDE (in Java), and I want to make a button with a √ sign in it. It didn't let me copypaste it in, so I tried using its ASCII code - char sqrt = (char) 251. Instead of the square root sign, however, it gave me "û", and I have no idea why. Can someone please explain why this is happening, as well as offer an idea as to how I should go about this?

2 Answers 2


Java characters are Unicode, not ASCII. Unicode codepoint 251 (U+00FB) is "Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex". To make input of various Unicode characters using a character set with only the basic ASCII symbols, Java provides a way to input Unicode characters using a literal format. So, you can do this:

char sqrt = '\u221a';

since U+221A is the Unicode codepoint for the square root symbol.

This \uXXXX format can also be used in String literals:

String s = "The square root of 2 (\u221a2) is approximately 1.4142";

If you print that String, you will see

The square root of 2 (√2) is 1.4142
  • But how come this works (when I have it just by itself): char sqrt = (char) 251; System.out.println(sqrt);? At least it works when I compile it from the command line :o
    – Bluefire
    Aug 16, 2012 at 20:34
  • My guess is that you're using Windows using a default file encoding of CP437, which maps the square root glyph to 0xFB (251), and so when the int with value 251 is being cast to a char, it sees that the character with codepoint 0xFB in the CP437 code page is the square root symbol, and uses that.
    – joev
    Aug 16, 2012 at 20:51

Java uses Unicode, and the Unicode value for '√' is 8730. So, this should do it:

char sqrt = 8730;

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